Advanced Tools

C/C++ Analysis and Refactoring Tool

There are many excellent tools for Java programs development, for example Eclipse SDK or IntelliJ IDEA. However, the quality of similar tools for C/C++ is inferior. Our goal is to develop a tool for C/C++ code analysis and refactoring, which could be at par with best Java tools. Like these Java IDEs, we accurately parse source code of the user project and all features of our plugin are based (or at least we hope that they are based) on precise information.

We do not create yet another IDE. The plugin consists of two parts: server and client. The server is responsible for all code processing, and the client is plugged in into Editor or IDE and is responcible for all user interaction. A series of plugins to different popular IDEs and editors is planned. The currently distributed plugin is for IntelliJ IDEA.

This alpha-version of the plugins is distributed free of charge. This version was made open for public in order to better debug it.

The current server release is 0.8.1.

IntelliJ IDEA plugin

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